...see below for this RNs reasons on why you need to get with the RN trend.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I did it!

Sorry so long...the last 6 months have been a blur. Quick update:

1. I passed my CCRN exam! Now, all that stands between me and my eternal certification, is a hundred or so CEUs and a few hundred dollars every 3 years. It feels good to be certified -- I'm proud of myself, and eager to encourage others to take the plunge as well.

2. I moved! New job as Clinical Nurse Advisor for the critical care units at a hospital here in Buffalo. Near family, cheaper living, good food...as soon as the stress of the new job dies down, I think this will be a nice place to be content for awhile...

Life is busy, the work is so so new, but I'm cautiously excited about my new role -- transitioning from a direct nurse, to an indirect educator has been challenging, but I guess I'd be worried if it wasn't, right?

More later on...