...see below for this RNs reasons on why you need to get with the RN trend.

Friday, June 6, 2008


I wasn't so hot on being a nurse today. Two patients, pretty boring, run-ins with an unpleasant resident, and a dragggggggging day made for a hell of a long twelve hours.

But, on the positive side, I say...even though my patients bored me and 7PM took a really long time to show up, I had fun with my co-workers.

It's good to be a nurse, because despite crappy circumstances, you'll always have one, or two, or nine other nurses to talk to, bitch with, and laugh at.

My best moments today were those spent in other people's rooms, helping out another nurse.

It's a team-job, and if you're lucky, and a good nurse, you'll find your "team" will become like a big, welcoming, funny family.

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